Had my first session of retail therapy with Aziela GF and Cheryl. The clothes at Dorothy Perkins are all so hot la! But of course, I stil do be careful because I don't wanna blow my budget. There are ALOT more things that I should buy!
[ I love this top! ]

Well I entered the shop, saw this dress and at an instant I knew I wanted it. hahaha. Girlfriend loved it too so I figured, why not? The best part is, I can fit a 16!

Weeee... that is such a big achievement for me man! I was a size 20 man!
MOMENT was weird. I can't really fathom contemporary modern dance la. However I think the last act was an eye opening one so kudos to John Mead the director and Mei Chian our lecturer and a dancer in that production. She's John Mead's girl yo.
[ Aziela GF, QiaoPing, Juliana, yourstruly, Cheryl before Moment ]
Very kakak-kakak right all of us?

All in all, a good evening spent with my girls. Back to more schoolwork and projects today. Bummer! Will post more soon.
In the dream, you didn't know me. You've let us go already?