Yeyness! Finally a post with pictures yo! So anyways this is gonna be a long post; oklah not long LONG but just longer than usual so yea, sit tight.
Ok so I've been very occupied with school stuff lately so I have been sleeping late and waking up early. It's turned into some sort of routine somehowe so I'm still up and about for the day (or morning that is)! Artist Management module is quite fun actually, especially when the artist you're managing is willing to co-operate and appreciates your work as well. Not only does he have the fastest hands, he's got attitude and passion just oozing out of him. Check him out! He's playing with WickedAura Batucada and Al-Badouin to name a couple.
[ my "Skunk" percussionist/drummer, Uan ]

I got my pay, yey! Its time for retail therapy people! Anyone interested to join me for a session at Marks & Spencers soon? Lingerie, cute tops and lots of camwhoring in the fitting room! hahahaha.
[ THE top I want from M&S ]
"All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend, me and my girlfriend..."
Beat THAT, JayZ!

Ok next.
I got tagged by Sabrina to do this so here goes Sab...
Write a blog with six weird facts/things/habits about yourself.
1. Like Sab, I've got an imaginary friend. Actually friend(s). Its weird but they keep me sane.
2. I am emetophilic and it's much more fun putting my fingers down my throat to vomit rather than watch puke vids on youtube.
3. I got this thing for guy's snail's trail. They're sexy la dok. But of course, it depends on which guy la. JLV's tops for now!
4. I think I am so used to talking on the phone or over Skype before I sleep so now when I don't get late night phonecalls or internet calls anymore, I would pretend to have conversations with any random person and then I can sleep.
5. I like to smell stuff like turpentine, markers, glue, paint etc.
6. I'm starting to embrace colours. So THAT is VERY WEIRD! Black is out?
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
- ... He lifted one dark eyebrow, "Goddamned, you're a rocket scientist!"
Stretch your arm out as far as you can.
- Ahuh, then do what?
What is the last thing you watched on tv?
- E.R
Without looking, guess what time is it?
- 2:15am
Now look look at the clock. what is the actual time?
- 2:18am
With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
- Law and Order on TV now.
When did you last step outside? what were you doing?
- Around 10pm just now when mum asked for help to get her stuff from the car.
Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
- My picture folder to find pictures to upload, Uan's interview summary, Sab's blog and mySpace.
What are you wearing now?
- Tank top and boyshorts.
Did you dream last night?
- Maybe, I can't remember.
When did you last laugh?
- While listening to Uan's recorded interview.
What is on the walls of the room you are in?
- My noticeboard cum picture board with pictures of my family members and friends, Arts Management class list and tickets to shows I've been to this year.
Seen anything weird lately?
- Oh yes, me Hafiz and Jules were "attacked" by this really hot but DRUNK American-Chinese guy just now. He was talking to us as if he knew us and used the word "fucking" in every sentence. But damned was he HOT la!!
What is the last film you saw?
- I think it's The Lake House. Haven't had time la babes.
If you become a multi-millionaire overnight, what will you buy?
- THAT top from Marks&Spencers! And of course I'll revamp my whole wardrobe, and perhaps invest in some slimming programme. hahaha.
Tell me something about you I don't know
- I bite my nails, critically! And if I can't peel off the nails on my foot, I'll just bite them as well. My teeth is the cutting agent la.
If you could change one thing in the world, regardless of guilt of politics, what would you do?
- I don't give two hoots to politics but I want BBWs to rule the world!
Do you like to dance?
- Yea, in my room la.
George Bush
- Set him on fire?
Imagine your first child is a girl. what would you call her?
- Nur Eva Natasya.
Imagine your first child is a boy. what would you call him?
- Muhd Fiedauzt Danial. Joshua is also good. Joshua Zul-something la.
*psst...miss u*
Would you ever consider living abroad?
- Yea sure. Germany would be good, or America.
I tag:
Juni, Aziela gf and whoever's interested.
I've got complimentary tckets for a dance concert, all thanks to Kakak Rina so I'm gonna go watch Moments tomorrow! Men in tights yea!
Ok go.
Pretty people never lie, vampires never die.