I woke up late and didn't manage to do my Kitsch report. I'll do it now la coz its quite a simple assignment. But now my stomach hurts damned bad and so is my throat. What have I gotten myself into? Fetish turned harmful perhaps. Aaargh!
Going to the library to research Jaafar Latiff later.
Anyways, some pictures from the NESCAFE Gold Million Smiles Challenge exhibition.
[ Johnson . Sarun . me ]

[ My Thai husband and me ]

[ Herny . me . Rach . Sarun . Colin ]
Thank god the upload picture command is working. If not, I'd ermmmm... get pissed!!
I'd really love to go back to sleep now but I need to stop procrastinating. Sucks.
Happy Birthday Katz!
Puke is good.