29 Sep 06, 14:57
josh: if i lay here, if i jez lay here, would you lie wit me and jez ferget the world?
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all.
Let's waste time chasing cars, my dear.
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/30/2006 11:43:00 AM
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Yesterday's visit to the Asians Civilisation Museum served to be an enrinching one. Entitled Hidden Faces: The Art of Japanese Masks, the exhibition portrays stories of the Japanese history and culture through the masks. Besides that, the other galleries also exhibit stuff from SouthEast Asia, West Asia, the different religions and etc. Check it out if you guys bother ok?
Anyways, I got tagged by Kathy.
So here goes...
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
(in random order)
1. Hady Mirza - You Give Me Wings
This is like the hottest song in Singapore right now after the crowning of our latest Singapore Idol.
2. Hady Mirza - Through The Fire (cover)
Original by Chaka Khan, Hady did justice to this song. It sounds pitchy at first but when you repeat it again and again, its really beautiful.
3. Jonathan Leong - Chasing Cars (cover)
Original by Snow Patrol, Jonathan did a really sexy version of the song. Oh heck, he's sexy whether or not he sings! We Jonatics are proud of you Jon, no matter!
4. Silverstein - My Heroine
Not much comments, I just like the song.
5. Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father
When I first heard this song, I didn't think much of it until Jonathan Leong sang it. And as days go by, I got hooked to it. The lyrics are beutiful, the composition is soothing, and Luther Vandross' voice is simply angelic. RIP Luther.
6. Jay Chou - Jie Kou
As usual, my favourite Jay song. Me and Rachel have been singing this song whenever we're bored while at work. OT really screws with one's head la, but this song keeps us sane. hahaha.
7. The NESCAFE song.
More like a nightmare to me, Rach and Herny but that song's stuck in our head eversince that event!
I'm not gonna tag anyone else but those who feel like doing, then you're very much welcomed to do so.
Ok then peeps, I'm off to Tanglin in awhile. I got chosen for the interview with a publication company so more work coming my way. And of course, I gotta interview my "artist" for MY assignment. I miss my old group. =(
Versatility is the key.
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/28/2006 09:45:00 AM
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hady won by a 70-30 margin. That's a whole freaking lot of difference man! But seriously I think Hady deserved to win this; his original song kicked ass. So after all's said and done, Singaporeans do want a singer afterall. But no matter what, Jon is still MY idol.
I'm still a certified JONATIC.
Working at Tanglin Camp later. I gotta go check out the aquarium thingy and try to fit into it. hahahaha. And perhaps collect more badges to fill my set of 95.
Carpe Diem
"Let's welcome your new Singapore Idol, Liyana Nurhuda!" heh.
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/26/2006 10:32:00 AM
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
I'm tired, very tired.
My energy's been drained out of me lately due to work commitments and such.
Have only managed to get 3 hours sleep for the past few days.
Hady would probably be the next Singapore Idol, but IF the public decides to choose a singer insted of an idol. Hady can sing damned well and he is versatile enough to carry off any genre. However, he will not be an ideal representation for Singapore in the international market because he cannot speak very well. Jon on the other hand has limited very husky, low vocals but he has the ultimate appeal and sexiness and hotness and whatnotness. To add to that, he can speak very well and would probably be a very good candidate for representation. So to be fair to both deserving parties, 10 votes each from me.
In any case, it doesn't matter who wins now.
I got my dream finals!!!

Presenting the pop culture of drama queen-ism.
Happy fasting you all!
I am. =)
"When you scream, I'll scream with you. But if I lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?"
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/24/2006 11:04:00 PM
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Haven't had the chance to speak to Hafiz eversince school reopened and finally did just now after our shifts for the Singapore Biennale. And as usual, every session with Hafiz would somewhat convert myself to the better side of me. He's younger than me but he's wiser and I feel at ease when I'm with him. Religion really reflects a person I'd have to say.
The fasting month is approaching real soon and it's time I start to control my desires. My pack of Texas done, I'm not planning to get another until say, after Ramadhan? I know it's not proper to somewhat just change for a month and back to my sinful, shitty self after that. But I'm really trying to be a better person now and the least I can do is respect my religion even if I don't diligently conform to it.
I had so much food for dinner just now; once with Hafiz at Tong Seng and then with my parents and cousin at Al-Ameen. My stomach feels cramped and puking didn't help either so I'll just curl up in bed later on and hope it will get better by tomorrow. Would be working for Fujifilm tomorrow and won't be home til very late again I am sure. Although there's cash flow, it has also deprived me of my social life coz all I do is go to school, project meetings, work and sleep. Even sleep is turning into a liability at this point coz I'll be home at 2am in the morning, start work or school at 10am and my weekends would be set aside for project meetings. Seriously no life right?
And being single at this point of time is a good move.
Coz I know commitment is such a difficult thing to fulfil.
I'm sorry.
You don't have to kill me. I just want to break free.
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/22/2006 12:46:00 AM
(1) comments
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I woke up late and didn't manage to do my Kitsch report. I'll do it now la coz its quite a simple assignment. But now my stomach hurts damned bad and so is my throat. What have I gotten myself into? Fetish turned harmful perhaps. Aaargh!
Going to the library to research Jaafar Latiff later.
Anyways, some pictures from the NESCAFE Gold Million Smiles Challenge exhibition.
[ Johnson . Sarun . me ]

[ My Thai husband and me ]

[ Herny . me . Rach . Sarun . Colin ]
Thank god the upload picture command is working. If not, I'd ermmmm... get pissed!!
I'd really love to go back to sleep now but I need to stop procrastinating. Sucks.
Happy Birthday Katz!
Puke is good.
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/19/2006 10:13:00 AM
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yanaSicked says ok go.
9/19/2006 12:31:00 AM
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Its almost midnight and I just came back from my Nescafe event. Infact I worked for both the Biennale and Nescafe today. Haven't been getting enough sleep lately but it's all good I guess. At the least, I'm having so much fun with all the new friends I've made.
Less than 15 minutes to my birthday, as of date that is. But I was born at 3:17am so that makes it about approximately 3 hours and 32 minutes to my birth 22 years ago. Woah, time passes reeeeeeally fast didn't it?
Well thanks to Austin for the birthday tag, Nor from Malaysia and some unknown guy from my mySpace list for the mySpace birthday wish and Mahat for singing me a birthday song as well as playing me my favourite tune on his internet radio. Thanks guys, really appreciate it. And oh, to Jonathan Leong and Hady Mirza as well for making it to the Singapore Idol finals, my DREAM finals I gotta add.
Life's hectic and tough, but I'm contented.
Happy Birthday to ME!!
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/14/2006 11:49:00 PM
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Monday, September 11, 2006
I'm damned tired but I can't seem to fall asleep so please bear with me.
My occasional finger down the throat act might have been useful afterall coz my clothes seem to fit better, jeans falling all over and compliments seemed flowing lately. But heck that's a negative coz I don't wanna be bulimic or whatever eating disorder shit victim. And I'm not one of those girls who look into the mirror and constantly see a blob of fat coz really, I can't be bothered. Don't question my intentions, I'll tell you anyways. Being an emetophile, I've always been into all those puke vids/sounds/pics and I get my cheap thrill on youtube and search engines. But after watching those vids/pics, I had the sudden urge to try it on myself and I did. And now its turned into some sort of a routine for me but I don't go to the bathroom like after every meal. So tell me is this something bad, or am I just exploring my own interest so to speak?
Seeing Faisall and my boys of Nafrat was heart warming. Don't view me as a slut when I say this but the hugs I get from them are comforting. Well of course I don't hug all of them all the time la but they never fail to give me that warmth whenever I'm with them. Afterall we have all been through so much together, the relationship between us has surpassed "friends". Although we no longer hang out and such like we used to, somehow or rather the inner feeling is no different from then coz we all treat each other as family. I can still remember those times thay spent over at my crib, kicking up a fuss and wrecking the whole place up. But those were good times, never to be forgotten.
Wahhh what's up with the emo touchy feely stuff?
Anyways work today was fun as usual. I think Tanglin Camp is like the best place to be for CRO duties coz all you do is welcome people, walk around, watch Jay Chou's MVs and Full House (hahaha), and camwhore! Totally zilch in relation to events management but this is for fun anyways, just to fulfil 48 hours. Later this week, things would go full force and I'm starting tomorrow night with the set-ups and all. I'm probably not gonna be blogging til the end of the week but let's just hope I will drop by at least.
Gonna watch Devil Wears Prada with bestie later in the evening. I realised I haven't been spending enough time with her so since I am free today, I shall grab that chance. Its 911 and the IMF delegates are in town. With the tight security and all, we still gotta sit and take time to pray that nothing is gonna happen. Nauzubillah.
Chatting with Mahat right now, another one of my past, but we're cool. Haven't seen Josh around, neither have I seen him online. So yea, too bad for me huh. I miss crapping with my Abang Harun though. I wanna see him play this coming Saturday at the Substation, but the problem is that I wanna work full shift for the event. See how.
I love my family, have I told you that? And I'm gonna repeat this again. I love my family, and if anyone is out to hurt them, that party would DIE. My parents have taught me well and I'm not resorting to violence but things are getting out of hand and I'm sick of keeping quiet. If they strike again, I'll make sure they go down the grave with me. Try me. This isn't revenge, this is war, bitch.
Headbanger's Holocaust was superb, we should have gigs like that again. :)
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/11/2006 02:12:00 AM
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Thursday, September 07, 2006
Excuse me for being a trainwreck in all sense but I'm just fucked and lazy and tired of everything. Neh, I'm just kidding. I am a trainwreck at this point; just not giving up on life as yet. So beat that, suckarse!
Oh oh yea, much love going out to my pretty babe cuzzie Rai for spending those nights at my crib. Those nights we talked about dreams (and how I died in hers), gossips, spring chicken, paddle pop and what nots, and ciggies! Thank you darling, and everything dihalalkan, just without a certificate. :)
School, attachment and life's been good thus far. Friends with humour and sarcasm (Robin: Why do you say that the colour of her shoes are red hot when you haven't even touched it? Jules: Cum la, I wanna go home!), lots of cigarette smoking (Feizel and his butterfly rokok gulung), occasional masturbation and putting three fingers down the throat to throw up just to get a kick out of it. Oh not forgetting chicken mushroom noodle with extra hum from Tong Seng. Kick dok!
My throat's not getting any better though, my voice is still pretty much like "Lulu" and I'm not doing anything to make it any better. Hence, I gotta endure all the nagging from mummy and dad, as well as Immz! Arrgh! But hey, its damned sexay you. And I'm sure you all want a piece of me right? Stick your tongue down my throat and gag me while I indulge on your body next to mine. Waddahell, I think I'm high.
New job offers' coming in. And the money is good yo. And while on the topic of money, I have none! Oklah I have 4 bucks and some change to tide me over for the week, plus I just bought a fresh pack of Texas reds and mommy dearest gave me a spankin new original LV wallet in which I can showoff my VISA and AMEX cards in so yea, I'll survive. Another week, another problem altogether. Ok get ready to get slammed Yana, you showoff!
A week to yours truly's 22nd! Gosh its been 22 years already? Nevermind, still young la. Enjoys ok. Family comes first, then friends and loved ones, followed by career and then I'll start looking around for suitable husband material(lace would be good, heh). But that's probably gonna be in like 5 years so waddaheck, to hell with relationships!
Blogging seemed secondary for me nowadays. Is it because I don't wanna let anyone in, or perhaps I'm just darned lazy. Heh. *smirks*
Oh ya, Gomez is out. Twohill is out. Potato would be outsted next, leaving Hady and Jon. Yeyness. Jon's rendition of Chasing Cars last night did it for me man. Coolios and sexayos. I'm a certified Jonaticos!
Ok it's confirmed. I AM high. And I'm off.
Good day all. <3
a big FUCK to blogger for all the errors in publishing and photo uploading. Looks like I gotta revert to LJ soon.
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/07/2006 10:22:00 PM
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Sunday, September 03, 2006
Life's been great lately with no screw ups but I've been feeling depressed, or rather lonely. Been coming home late for the past two nights, consuming a fair amount of alcohol, nicotine and lots and lots of chocolates. I have no slightest idea to why I've been doing all those but I did. Very disappointed with myself coz I did pledge to get off those ciggies and wine and my feared enemy for the longest of time, chocolates but to no avail. Seriously, no idea why.
Enough about the depressing stuff, on to something more interesting.
The Singapore Biennale 2006 opening party was a blast. Although we had to soak ourselves in our own sweat, blood and tears for the preparation of the balloon thingy, the end product was superbo! Gonna post some pics of the Sky Ear Balloon Burble project by Usman Haque later on. Oh yea, Usman is cute, and so is his assisstant Fred. hahahaha. So ok, the balloon thing was beautiful. Imagine seeing a fresco of coloured balls in the sky, with the gorgeous background of the cityscapes. [edit]No pics for now coz the upload picture thingy is fucked, as usual! [/edit]
But it's...
The balloon thing done, the fashion show and that alter ego guy's performance was a bit weird but soon after the greatest thing happened! DEATHMETAL AT THE PADANG!!!! And hooray hooray, I know those people and things got much better. Asmat and Jasmin came to visit, Imaz and her friends were there kinda early, and some other random metalheads; some known and some recognisable faces were there to support that performance. The other bahluls on stage aside, the band was wooohooo!! Joshua Wong was on bass, Shafiq (Chrysalids) was on vox, Halim (Cardiac) on drums, Nahar and Faizal (FD) as band assisstants and some other hot dude who resembles my ex on guitars. But its a sad case coz the metalheads were on the outside and very dispersed so we didn't have a chance to create our very own "headbanging" performance art. I can imagine how things would be if that happened. And it's also sad that the crowd started to disappear somehow during that set. Perhaps the performance was too loud for some, it constitutes as noise. Oh wells.
After that set, Amy pampered me with a glass of red wine at first. And as time progresses, one glass became two, three, four and within half an hour I think I consumed one whole bottle, or even more. Free stuff = good stuff.
The DJs started spinning after that, and my classmates gathered and we started to club in the middle of the padang! Our moves sucked and most of the time we were laughing away and looking out for Roger McDonald but I guess we each showed that alternative side of ours that we'll never see in class. We danced, jumped, grind (hahahaha!) and what nots til midnight and we panicked cos we thought we missed the last train home. But thank god, we managed to catch that last train. If not, I'd probably sleep at the padang itself. Or perhaps in Fred's room. hahahahaha! ;)
So I spent the day sleeping and watching TV, afterwhich I met Jasmin at City Hall, had some Japanese food and headed to Little India to watch Nafrat jam. Miss them boys of Nafrat! They were as usual the crazy bunch that they are and it was really a reminisce. Well they got shocked that I picked up smoking again but wells. We headed to Tekka after that and hung out, talked crap, smoked somemore and I was massaging my baby brother's arms while he cringed and budged every single time I press onto that cramped area. Damned I really miss those times when we're all damned close.
After all's said and done, I'm back here infront of my laptop blogging this down and being alone once again while trying really hard not to succumb to my emotions and break down.
No plans for later but I guess I'll just stay home and sleep. Oh I forgot, I should start on my Music assignment like soon coz its due in a couple of days!!!
Ok then, til my next entry.
Carpe Diem.
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/03/2006 12:36:00 AM
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Friday, September 01, 2006
Everything seemed so real.
Your touch, your gaze, your sweet sweet smile, your love.
I opened my eyes, you were no longer in sight.
But in my heart, you still linger.
Leave, please.
Release me from this misery.
Try to deny it, I can't forget it, can't do without you.
Dreams are meant for the brokenhearted.
- Yana.
* * * * * * * * * *
" It's always you in my sweet dreams. And you tell me that it's over, wake up standing in a patch of four leaf clover..."
* * * * * * * * * *
Long day yesterday, even longer one today. Less than 12 hours to the Singapore Biennale Party fucks! Check out the balloon work. If you're attentive and lucky enough, you might just see my visual up there. :)
yanaSicked says ok go.
9/01/2006 08:35:00 AM
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