Its been awhile. I'm still waiting for my dulce de leche *hints*. But anyhoos, nothing much has been up except for the usual shopping/window shopping, sleeping, eating, net surfing routine. I've had my fried fish soup from Tong Seng for two consecutive days now, still craving for more. Erk. Borrowed 11 books from the National Library yesterday in hopes to read them in 3 weeks, yea right. Watching the Men Diving thingy on TV now and I'm totally in like with Malaysia's Khairul Safwan Mansur. He's so cute la. hahaha.
So here's a recap on my Malaccan weekend. Driving on the highway was a breeze, except the few occasions when a group of bikers overtook me like vrrooommm, and the police roadblock, in which I was safe from but my other cousins' weren't. hehehe.
Ok I can't be bothered to type any longer. Here are some pics of me, my cousin and nieces, camwhoring as usual.
[ The lake opposite our resort ]
[ My cousin, Hairi ]
[ So-called outdoor activity but the centre is always closed! ]
[ Another view of the lake, overlooking the golf course ]
[ My scorpion pleat ]
[ The front, with my hairstylist in the background ]
at 1 in the morning, when insomnia kicks in.
[ Nazirah . moi . Haikal . Danial . Lisa ]
[ Girls just wanna have fun ]
[ Pseudo-bunnies ]


Seriously, I can be a Dorothy Perkins and Marks & Spencers' ambassador la. Anyone kind enough to get me any of those outfits? All 3 outfits will not be rejected though. hahahaha.
5 more days y'all!