Pt. 1
The topic of clubbing, getting drunk and boyfriends came up when Kakak, sexybabe and myself were chilling at Kallang Macs just now. I thought about the first two issues and it occured to me that I don't have much to share on those topics. Coz one, my clubbing days were shortlived (Jams2000) and two, I rarely get drunk. Or at least I only remember that very one occasion I got drunk til I am clueless to who brought me home and left me infront of my gate the next day.
But of course I do remember vividly on how someone got so drunk he threw up all over his Tucson and I had to drive us home, without my specs! And being an emetophile as well as a concerned girlfriend at that point, I managed to get him home safely, tuck him into bed, clean up his car and walk home myself at 4:30am. Yes walk. But it was all worthwhile because the very next day you appeared infront of my gate at exactly 11:42pm with a cup of green apple slurpee in one hand and something else I shall not disclose in the other. Just so you know, it's been with me since then eventhough we're no longer together.
Eh I realised I've been very feely and emo lately.
Why? I also dunno.
But anyways sexybabe if you're reading this, tag me the next time you visit ok. And no worries babe, all's cool. Poppycock is goot aye? hehehe.
Babyboy, I'm missing you.
Toffeenut Frapp is sinful. S-I-N-F-U-L-L!!!
* * * * * * * * * *
Pt 2.
Have you guys read EDC's blog lately? If not, go chek it out. I especially am amused with the post about his Lil Ele and its adventures with daddy. hahaha. Damned adorable la EDC!
COLIC was superb! Thai horror flicks are da bomb I tell you, especially for a scaredy cat like moi. Me and Ping practicallly pulled our shirts up to cover our eyes at some scenes. Do go catch it if you have the time and money ok. It's a recommendation.

The programming and organising for SG Deathmetal Fest starts as of now. It's been quite sometime since I last got my hands into the metal scene but I guess it's time I make a comeback. I don't wanna rake the past(damned my $350 burned) but I am somewhat skeptical about this project. I'm not putting high hopes on it, but I'd very much like to get it over and done with without any conflicts and yada yada. And this being the very first DM Fest, let's not get too ambitious and treat this as just "testing the waters".
Marks & Spencers galore for me again today. I need to get my hands on $79 and get this really hot lacy sleeved top. More cash would only mean more additions to my wardrobe. Oh yea, the hot black wedges too!
Monay monay monay!!!

The one I'm dying for. heh.

So before anyone of you puke at the so-unsightly pics of mine, I'll just end here.
Mos Burger Coffee shake, please.